February 28, 2011

Heartburn and hormones

Today I'm in a stinky mood.  I'm chalking it up to all these pregnancy hormones flooding my system.  Probably the two things I dislike about pregnancy are: the bad side of moody and heartburn. 

I love when I'm happy.  Seems like I'm really happy ~ the drawback is that I get the urge to call people and get all sappy with them and tell them how much I care and how much they mean to me and so on.  So far I have only succumbed to this once...in an e-mail. Thank goodness for the bit of self control that I still retain.

The grumpy/sad/annoyed moodiness is awful.  I wish I could have a quarantine sticker for those days moments!  "Watch Out! Preggo woman in a bad mood at your 6 ~ do not approach!  Consider hostile and dangerous!"  And if I'm being honest really this doesn't apply only to pregnancy.  Maybe that I'm a mom of two toddlers qualifies why this happens, or maybe just that I'm female.  Hot fudge sundae anyone?

Speaking to the heartburn it's like I'm growing a baby dragon instead of a little person.  This stream of molten lava climbs up my esophagus and takes up residence.  I can try sleeping sitting up (I just get the best rest this way ~ um no not really), taking tums (daily limit is like 8 or something minuscule like that) or drinking lots of water ~theses thing only delay the inevitable.  So Instead I pleaded with my amazing ob, Dr. C.  I've finally gotten prescription strength Zantac and I am once again indebted to my Dr for this relief.

People try to make heartburn into a nice thing "Your baby will have lots of hair".  Really? My first little one was bald a basketball ~ had crazy heartburn, second one did have lots of hair but same amount of heartburn.  So the idea of "lots of hair" on my baby isn't enough to make me say "Ooh more heartburn YAY!".  

February 26, 2011

Getting back to it

Hi, I'm Shasty and I’m a mom of 2 working on number 3, working full time…who is terrible at blogging consistently.

There.  I said it.  I am an infrequent blogger gasp.

This didn’t previously bother me…but now that I’ve learned that there are actual living, breathing people reading my blog other than my one follower…I am feeling guilty.  I really like to blog.  Its fun and a challenge.  However, I keep thinking that my blog should be profound and amazing with perfect grammar or I shouldn’t post anything…maybe I’ve set the bar a little too high or maybe I think too much of my ramblings J

So I’m going to try to just blog…find a happy medium between a serious and a ‘Dear Diary’ feel.  My problem is that I don’t think I’m all that interesting.  I don’t do much and being a fuddy-duddy doesn’t make for good reads.  Let’s just throw caution to the wind and post things with no concern as to what others will think…yes?  I think so!

Today I painted my nails.  This is a big deal, some of you know this.  I’m not big on taking time to pamper myself.  No self deprecating reason just don’t.  Seems weird to see little bits of color flicking around as I type or talk (yes I talk with my hands ~ deal) but its fun when my girlies comment on my pretty nails.  They have, however, asked if our nanny painted them…guess they know their mom huh?

And if you're reading this...thanks, it makes me happy to know you're there.