November 10, 2011

Get'er done

Some days I let myself get overwhelmed with all that needs to be (probably more like could be not needs) done.  Combine this with my ocd tendancies and my post partum nesting compulsions well some days it's not pretty, I'll just leave it at that.

Today I took a day off for me...translated that means that I am cleaning to house like crazy...however I did paint my!  I've had coffee...hmm that reminds me I need to make some more.  I feel like I've accomplished alot...but when I started to tell my hubby all I had didn't seem like so much.  I wonder if this isn't so different from being a "good" Christian.  I can have others tell me how insert compliment here I am but when I start to tell God about really feels a little like me bragging about say walking to the end of the driveway. Ok let me insert a disclaimer here (even though it's my blog and I shouldn't need a disclaimer) I KNOW that getting to the end of the drive is impossible for some, even getting out of bed it a monumental task, but I am a healthy young (no comments please) adult so this is a normal task.

Paul talks to Timothy about completing the race: 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." We do good things to please the Lord but even then we are still sinners, disgusting and untouchable in His sight.  Should I then I have the assurance that I am covered in the perfect blood of Christ because that is what God sees when I hold up my day to Him.  I try to teach my children to glorify God each day.  My actions will teach them more than anything I can ever say to them so I will keep the faith, I will continue to fight the fight to get'er done.

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