March 31, 2011

Panties and poop

Really what's this about? you may be wondering.  Having one who is not quite to the stage of 100% potty independence (see title to get the idea) and one still not night time ready, I deal with bodily functions quite a bit.  Soon I get to begin this process anew ~ y a y ;)

I have come to have a great dislike for poop.  It's gross, it smells, it can just get everywhere ~ you understand and if you say you don't ~ you how do I teach my daughter to take care of this on her own?  Keep in mind that this question comes from a mom who hesitates to let them eat messy things with no help (I know, eating and poop in the same paragraph probably a huge faux pas ~ eh well one begets the other ).   Also I don't understand those who have said that they (for lack of a more tactful way to say it) don't check to see if they have the all clean.  I mean is that sanitary?  Doesn't that make for skidd marked panties (or underware if you will)?

Speaking of panties...another thing I have a dislike for.  Both of my girls think panties are fabulous, a fashion statement of sorts.  But I disagree.  First ~ the fit...why are there so many options...maybe because one's backside can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but really a little string thing seems to be a waste of money.  If you're looking for something sultry, well, I can think of cheaper alternatives.  And thongs (or what ever they may be called now) have NO place in a children's clothing store, that's absurd. 

Second ~ the location.  Why must the bra/panty section be on the edge near the main "traffic/walk way" in stores?  Does everyone need to know the print I like or the cut I prefer?  I mean we're good friends and all but I don't think so...not to mention that those in the store with me aren't usually my friends, just fellow shoppers.  Now I realize that there are specialty stores for my skivies, but I'm not shelling out the amount on the price tag. 

So in summary (ooh I feel like I'm in my English lit class now) I am confounded by area of my personal self.  If I could get one free ridiculous question to ask of God it would be what was He thinking when He designed the neither regions :)

I understand that this blog may have been on the TMI side and you may be trying to figure out how you can get some soap in your eyes with out the burn after reading it, but hey this is me and you like me right? I'm glad you made it all the way through ~ hopefully you'll be back for more ;)


Angela said...

I must say I am thankful to be out of the potty training stage and to have kids who take care of that on their own! I also agree with you about the one needs to know the size, shape, or print of mine! I do, however, have an idea about what God created those "neither" regions for! ;-)

hazlewoodblue said...

Ummm...well my blog for today might be don't wipe poop on the wall...YUCK!!!!!!! Josiah evidently needs wiping lessons . :/

Shasty said...

HA! You both made me laugh...

Angela...I agree, so I guess the package deal is worth it :)

Terrie Johnson said...

Brave title, my friend. Braver subject matter. I had a kid (not naming names, but it could have been my oldest) who smeared poop everywhere, including all over himself, every day at naptime until he was over two years old.

One of the things I like so much about you ... you are very real.

Good blog, young one, good blog.

April 1, 2011 10:24 AM

allie :^) said...

ok, here is my second attempt at leaving a comment! just like most kitchens, only a man would design a store and put ladies undergarments on the main aisle!!!! :)